Sunday, June 8, 2014


With a struggling economy, unresolved war, and upturned morality seeking justification in our court systems, there’s no question our nation is in turmoil. However, rather than a time to fear, this is a time to stand for righteousness and reclaim America’s divinely mandated role for these final days before the Savior’s Second Coming. What is that role? President John Taylor described America’s destiny this way: “When the people shall have torn to shreds the Constitution of the United States, the elders of Israel will be found holding it up to the nations of the earth, and proclaiming liberty and equal rights to all men, and extending the hand of fellowship to the oppressed of all nations.” L. Tom Perry further explained: “The land must continue to remain strong and great and good. It is destined to be the major supplier of human and financial resources, to build the kingdom of God here in the whole world, and to prepare the world for the return of the Lord and Savior. The adversary knows all too well that a weak America will literally stop this building process and thwart the work of God.”

These two quotes, along with many not mentioned here, indicate that we, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints along with our God fearing friends of other denominations, must work to preserve our nation. To this end, President Ezra Taft Benson offered five vital standards we must live by. In brief, they are:

1. “Keep your families strong.”

2. “Live by the fundamental principles of work, thrift, and self-reliance and teach your children (to live by these principles) by your example.” (Italics added)

3. “Learn about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and other basic documents of our great country so that you can sustain it and the free institutions set up under it.”

4. “Seek out good, wise, and honest men for public office, and then support them with your vote.”

5. “Heed strictly the commandments of God, particularly the Ten Commandments.”

In conclusion, some final words from Elder Perry:

“Fifty-six men represented 2.5 million in 1776 to bring about a new nation that has literally blessed the whole world. That was one man to every 45,000. Today I’m calling on each of you to exert an influence over about 220 million people in this land. The odds are even better for you; the advantage is on your side. This is the time for you to be bold enough to stand up for what you believe, to let the world know that God still blesses this great land of America—if we will live righteously, according to that which he has commanded.”

Ezra Taft Benson, “America at the Crossroads,” New Era, Jul 1978, 36
L. Tom Perry, “God’s Hand in the Founding of America,” New Era, Jul 1976, 45

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